What’s in a Profile Photo?
Gawker has done a beautiful job of breaking down profile photos and what they convey:
Portrait Taken By Someone Else
A non-professional photo of a person from the waist
up (or higher) to the top of the head (in which he or she is smiling)
reveals a confident and well adjusted human being. If it’s obvious that
a portrait is a professional/promotional head shot, it is very possible
that the person is narcissistic. A serious bathing suit/bikini shot
usually indicates someone who is potentially hot but insecure.
It all depends on what type of self-portrait we are
talking about. A sexy close-up, or a series of sexy close-ups taken in
someone’s bedroom/bathroom/or other homey location spells out desperate,
needy, and insecure.
On the other hand a self-portrait that is taken in the moment (around
a group of friends or while exploring the world) tends to reveal a
humble goofball.
From a Distance
An individual who prefers their profile picture be
from a distance (so that their facial features can’t really be
discerned) may be quite shy or private in nature. It is possible that
adventure and interesting activities may be the name of their game.
Childhood Photo
According to
Gawker, a person who showcases a childhood is
stuck in the past and has concluded they looked much more adorable as a
child. It also may indicate they are going through a tough moment in
life and want to reconnect with the happiness and innocence of their
Pet Showcase
Those who choose a photo of their dog or cat as their profile photo
may either: (a) like to be incognito, but charming or (b) be shouting
out to the world they are single and/or childless. If you are thinking
of dating one of these souls, it is probable the animal will play a huge
role in your life. Animal people are usually extremely genuine — but
mistreat their babies and you’ll be on the outs.
Family Photo
Family photos usually indicate a person who is dedicated and true. A
photo of a child in place of their own photo reveals they may be hiding
something. Maybe they’ve recently gained weight, aged dramatically, or
are living through their child/children.
Party Picture
A party photo is often a huge indicator of maturity and lifestyle. A
profile frequented by photos of an individual drinking and making wild
gestures indicates they are far from settled. Also, it’s likely he or
she is susceptible to peer pressure.
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