bad day .. bad luck .. bad team.
defense kita not good enough. we need more deep and width in squad.
2 goal from our mistake. anelka free side score 1st goal. 2nd goal player duk tgk jer ..
luckyly , ada Gerrard yg turun naik sampai sebelah reina.
Lucas still not good fighting in midfield battle.
last night game bola byk main kat tengah.
Torres cuma satu shoot on target
so liverpool kalah sbb Liverpool not good enough
yg paling bangang drogba mcm sial main ..
even lampard and deco pun meluat tgk gayanya tergolek golek menjerit jerit ..
This is October . not march so we still can march on in title race.
ya.. we don no what happens in future.we need calm and regroup our team.

baru 8 game
aku still optimis
DOGba memg pelakon berbakat besar
keep the faith
alaaa ymn,
convert 2 manU jela..
dh kalah diam2 sudey...jgn jd cam shebby predict xpnah btul...wat malu msia je..cube lg....harharharharun
ymn...kalo kalah just accept jer.liver kalah battle kat midfild.carra plak mmg x leh jaga drogba.masa chelsea kalah ngan wigan,acceloti just accept n ngaku.
peace no war
bulussan ..
Yups .. tottaly agree with u .
alogs ,..
tak mau aah .. setia pada yg satu..ahaks
anon ,
tatau mende
wat wat jer tau ...
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