Pasukan Liverpool dari team OKU - Liverpool FC's 'Ability Counts' muncul juara dalam kejohanan 4 penjuru di Swiss . Pertandingan turut disertai Basel Fc , Werder Bremen dan The FIM (Football In More) All Stars.
Pada Perlawanan terakhir pasukan Oku Liverpool dibawah jurulatih Joe Unsworth menang 2 - 1 ke atas Basel FC .
Liverpool FC's 'Ability Counts' Team adalah strategi FA ENglish megenalpasti dan menbangunkan talented footballers, providing quality coaching and increasing participation.The objective was to creat 50 Ability Counts clubs in parnership with County Football Associations.
blog nie jarang update sbb aku byk blog (hahahaha)
So utk citer Liverpool aku berblog kat sini
to all Reds Supporters and hardcore ready for rock 2010/2011.
Selamat Menyambut Ramadan dan Selamat menunaikan ibadah Puasa.
selamat berpuasa~
Gile ar ko byk blog.. rajin benor ko menulis..
selamat berpuasa
lili and Azura -
Slmt berbuka puasa hehehehe
selamat bpose yaman.. dim sum mana?? huhuhu
masy - as u know . sijil halal tak dpt lagi ..hahahha .. haram in another words. :P
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